Archive for May, 2009

Albert Wesker Seven Minute Workout
May 20, 2009

“Seven minutes, seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you.”

Minute one

Alternating side lunges: Slightly bend both knees and extend one leg out straight to the side then quickly return it to the starting position and alternate with the other leg for a full minute while keeping the arms held chest high and bent at the elbow.

Minute two

Jumping squats: With back straight and body weight on heels bend at the knees until the hamstrings are almost touching the claves then quickly explode back to a standing position so that the feet leave the ground. Land softly to protect the knees and in order to be closer to the ready position.

Minute three

Standing medicine ball or dumbbell pullovers: Standing with stomach muscles tight hold a weight overhead with a slight bend in the elbows. Pull the weight forward as quick as possible while maintaining control. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Minute four

Side bends: Keeping the hips still bend at the waist to the right and then left.

Minute five

High knees: Lift one knee and then the other straight up as high as possible. Try to get the knee even with the chest. This exercise is intended to be done as fast as possible.

Minute six

Pull-ups/Push-ups: Everyone should know this already, but do as many as possible in one minute. Pull-ups are preferred but push-ups can be substituted if equipment is lacking. If a full minute is not possible then divide into smaller sets with 5 seconds of rest between sets.

Minute seven

Burpees: Place hands on floor in front of the body, kick legs out strait and then quickly pull them back in and leap to a standing position.

Prophets of Science
May 14, 2009

The government is thinking of taxing soda, sweet, tasty, and delicious soda. On a hot day when I am working hard or just enjoying the great outdoors I love to grab an ice cold coke to cool myself off. It is one of the pleasures of life. One that people should have the opportunity to enjoy.

                I fully understand that taxing soda won’t stop people from drinking soda, especially people like me who enjoy it as a treat every now and then. The people that live off soda and treat it like an every meal drink will be the ones most affected, but it is still attacking a symptom and not the disease.

                Fat people that drink soda would be fat people that drink water if that is what they drank. Sure water doesn’t contain any calories and does nothing but good for your body, but it isn’t what these people drink that makes them unhealthy. Sitting around on your ass all day is unhealthy. I think most people understand this. Some people don’t care and others can’t help themselves.

                People these days are generally lazy. Just look at diet books and exercise guides. People want to be able to workout for just ten minutes a day or burn calories eating the foods they love. Diet and exercise have to go together though to be at their most effective. A person just can’t stop drinking soda and suddenly be healthy. Just like someone can’t workout and then eat 1,000 more calories than they burned. It just can’t happen.

                It is why my diet book, “Get off your Lazy Ass,” just wouldn’t sell. All people really need to understand is that 250 calories of coke is the same as 250 calories of green tea. You just have to drink a shit load more green tea to get to those 250 calories. It is why when the film “Supersize Me” came out people were able to do the same diet and lose weight. Gaining and losing weight isn’t about finding the perfect exercise program, the perfect diet, or the next super ingredient. It is all about burning more calories than you ingest.

                Of course people need to make money and the scientist that do these studies get paid to do these studies would never want anyone to find out this secret. Just like the people that write the diet books don’t want you to know the secret. They will tell you to stop eating carbs, eat more carbs, eat less meat, eat no meat, eat raw food, or the thousands of other gimmicks that are out there. Soon we will be reading about scientist discovering that breakfast cereal causes various forms of cancer, heart disease, and obesity.

In reality sitting around on your ass and refusing to do anything even the slightest bit taxing is the cause for pretty much every disease we now fear.

Last of a Dying Breed
May 5, 2009

The more time I spend in this world the more I realize how few people are like me. It isn’t a bad thing. I like being unique. Sometimes I am disturbed by the ways I am different though. Sometimes I just don’t understand how people just can’t seem to grasp certain concepts. I hear people everyday happily spouting out incorrect facts from everything from religion to baseball to politics. I understand that perception is reality but if people would just take a second to look something up or move slightly out of their comfort zone then they might see that reality is far different than what they are told.

                I see people comfortable to exist in a lower state of being than they could achieve. They are happy to be lazy and stupid. They don’t have the time for the gym or reading or other things that could better them. I workout at home and go to the gym two to three times a weeks and still have time to read, watch TV, see movies, and play video games. I have time in my day to do everything I want and I work nine to ten hours a day as well. I am not sure what these people are doing with their time but whatever it is it isn’t economic.

                Sometimes I feel like the last man on the planet. I see people that are genetically men happy to pamper themselves like a woman or dress in colors mostly reserved for females. I see more and more men showing off and acting out in a manner that does not fit with the decorum that is required of a true man. A real man is a grizzly bear and not a peacock. A real man doesn’t need to draw attention to themselves by any means other than their actions.

                I do not mind being the last of a dying breed. In fact it motivates me. I know I can always better myself and I will. I will continue to be who I am and to dominate. I will continue to train my mind, body, and spirit in the ways that men used to be trained. I have as much need for society as it does for me.